We soon will enter the last month of the traditional Vassa residency season, followed closely by our Kathina celebration, on Sunday 29th October from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM EDT.
Vassa marks the monsoon season of northeast India, during which it's better for the environment if monks give up traveling for a few months. After the 3-month Vassa residency period finishes, the Buddha instructed that the Buddhist lay community come together with the monks - to replace monks' robes (worn out by rainy weather) and offer other tokens of support for monks in a celebration that he called "Kathina" . (Kathina is the word for the sewing frame for robes.
This Kathina celebration will be extra special: an amazing crew of half a dozen or more bhikkhunis will help us celebrate.
Forming the necessary quorum to make it a real Kathina, they'll be led by our revered elder Ven. Mahatheri Ayya Sudarshana, one of the very 1st to fully ordain as a Theravada bhikkhuni in modern times. More on our honored bhikkhuni guests, soon.
On this occasion we also celebrate 10 years since the founding of the Charlotte Buddhist Vihara! Joining us as special guests will be some of our founding lay crew - including Rich & T Hoover (founding Board members and original owners of the Vihara house), along with early key members including Prof Kalinga & Dr Amara A, Kurt W, Kimberly H, and Tony T.
Theruwan Saranai! Triple Gem bless and protect you until we meet again
Ayya Sudhamma