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Vesak at the Vihara this Saturday May 18th
Dear Devotees and Friends,This Saturday we plan to celebrate Buddhism’s most holy and inspiring holiday, the full moon of May, called Vesak. Join our all-day celebration offering early morning, mid-morning and afternoon observances. And meet Ayya Saccika visiting from Germany. Program is drop-in, welcome to arrive any time – but you don’t want to miss any […]

Spring Beautification, Full Moon Programs, and Retreat photos
Dear Devotees and Friends, We welcome you to join upcoming activities at the Vihara. Spring yard beautification project at the Vihara this Sunday morning: “Gardening work – dirty your hands, purify your heart!” (March 17th 9am+.) Help make this place of goodness & healing look inviting on 1st impressions! Link for more info – such as why join […]

“Bright Minds” Meditation retreat at Great Woods Zen Center
When: March 1- March 3rd. “Bright Mind Retreat” MEDITATION RETREAT WITH AYYA SUDDHAMMA At Greatwoods Zen Center Indoor accommodations and camping sites are availablle.This retreat is founded on generosity.Everyone is welcome to attend, regardless of finances.Venerable Ayya Sudhamma has been a Buddhist monk for over 20 years. Previously a lawyer, she was the first American […]

KATHINA Celebration at the Charlotte Buddhist Vihara
Thank you to all who helped plan and attend the Kathina event at the Vihara on Sunday 29th October from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM EDT. Metta, Ayya Sudhamma