Dear Devotees and Friends,
We welcome you to join upcoming activities at the Vihara.
Spring yard beautification project at the Vihara this Sunday morning:
"Gardening work - dirty your hands, purify your heart!" (March 17th 9am+.) Help make this place of goodness & healing look inviting on 1st impressions! Link for more info - such as why join the effort - and to RSVP: Click Here
This year we plan to hold full moon programs regularly, as we did years ago.
The upcoming March full moon observance (Madin Poya) will be Sunday morning, March 24th. It begins with optional 9am meditation, and the main program begins at 10:00am. It ends with a potluck lunch dana before noon. Kindly Click Here to RSVP.
In recent weeks Ayya enjoyed the company of her longtime student and friend Ayyā Saddhā of Cambodia. Ayya Saddha kindly came from her home monastery (Heartwood in Hendersonville) to support the residential retreat Ayya Sudhamma taught last weekend at Greatwoods Zen.
"The retreat went really well - amazing given it was the Zen center's 1st retreat with a guest teacher and just their 2nd residential retreat ever; and the 1st time in many years that I led a residential retreat." - Ayya Sudhamma. See retreat photos below.
(The photo with a row of chairs outdoors shows our hilltop "sunrise" meditation in a thick fog of unexpected beauty; the frog was rescued from underfoot as we headed back.)
More full moon observance dates at Charlotte Buddhist Vihara - welcome to join, and perhaps bring a potluck dish to share!
- Feb 24 Saturday
- March 24 Sunday
- April 21 Sunday
- May 18 Saturday (Vesak!)
- June 22 Saturday
- July 21 Sunday (Invitation for Vassa)
- Aug 18 Sunday
- Sept 15 Sunday
- Oct 19 Saturday
- Nov 16 Saturday
- Dec 15 Sunday
We hope to welcome a guest nun from Europe by summertime, in time for Vesak; details soon when all is arranged.
"Blessings to you on this lovely early spring day. May the turning of all the cycles see you always happy and comfortable, while also looking more and more to the Dhamma for profound, lasting comfort and happiness." - Ayya Sudhamma