This year marks the 25th anniversary of the revival of women's ordination after nearly 10 centuries during which there were no Theravada bhikkhuni vihara (monasteries). Today, we are grateful for the Charlotte Buddhist Vihara, one of several dozen Theravada bhikkhuni viharas worldwide.
We are asking you to mark this anniversary, as well as become part of Buddhist history with a commitment of $108.00 to ensure that our vihara has a permanent home here in Charlotte. Our goal is to raise $125,000 – the owner’s generous asking price for the property; well under market value.
Your gift will go toward the purchase of the vihara where Ayya Sudhamma lives and serves the community with Buddhist teachings, spiritual counseling, giving blessings, chanting, moon celebrations, funeral and memorial services, water-pouring ceremonies, healing rituals, house blessings, and support to the broader community of Bhikkhuni Sangha.
Your gift supports the gift of her work, which ripples throughout the lives of many.
Options for giving:
Make a one-time donation ($108 or whatever you can give)
Donate $108 by donating $10 a month for 11 months
Share this email and ask 10 (or more) friends to donate $10 or whatever they can give
Thank you in advance for your generosity.
If you wish to send a check, it goes to:
Charlotte Buddhist Vihara,
c/o 3423 Stonehaven Dr, Charlotte, NC 28215.
May the Triple Gem bless and protect you!